Yushira writes from the USA

Hi Everyone

Hope all is well at the WGSA and I’m sorry for not contacting you sooner.

I’ve been here just over a month now and I’m just about adjusting to life at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. My major is psychology.

So far I’m really enjoying it! The golf program here is great. We practice/play everyday except Sunday. And workout four times a week. The last tournament was at TPC Sawgrass and we came second. We have a strong golf team this year with lots of potential!

We have a great coach. She is very dedicated to the team and has set up a challenging program. She has built the golf program here as UTC only introduced woman’s golf four years ago. Since then they’ve won their conference and competed in the NCAA National Championships last year!

People here are really friendly and I get on really well with my team-mates!

It’s taken me time to adjust to the lifestyle here. My days are hectic! I get up at 6am, have workouts from 7 – 8am then classes till 12 noon after that. Then practice starts at 2pm and we only get done at 7in the evenings on most days! Plus I gotta stick studying hours after that. Hectic days but I’m getting used to it!

I really feel privileged to be here! I feel like just being here has opened up so many opportunities for me! I see the difference in my golf and attitude already. I’m really happy that I’ve started this chapter in my life and I would highly recommend it to every golfer wanting to pursue golf and get a degree!

Give my best to Erica and the rest of the WGSA family!


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