Update from Texas
Report from Kim Williams
Hi All,
We had an early wake up this morning in order to pack and get onto busses to take the 1h30 drive to Camp Olympia which will be our new home until we fly back to South Africa.
We arrived here at Camp Olympia around 9am this morning and Iliska and I are sharing a cabin with England, Germany and Columbia. The girls are all very kind and friendly so we should have a good time.
We headed off to the golf course around 9:30 and straight to the driving range.
Iliska and the boys were very impressed with what they saw from the clubhouse and the driving range, little did they know that it was nothing compared to what lay ahead of us out on the golf course.
The course is playing very long with Iliska and I having 150 + in on most par 4’s and the greens are extremely firm and very fast so placement is crucial. Our practice went off very well though and the boys are in good form as well.
We are all excited to get the tournament under way and we are confident that it will be a good week for us. We play with Ireland tomorrow morning and with the USA on Thursday afternoon.
Will keep you updated on how things are going here in the US.
Chat soon
Kim and Iliska