Take it off for CANSA
All players and spectators – OK, LADIES ONLY – who will visiting Irene Country Club next week for Pick n Pay’s SA Women’s Inter-Provincial, are asked to bring their old bras and donate them to the TAKE IT OFF FOR CANSA campaign organized by Pink Drive and supported by our sponsor, Pick n Pay.
This is to firstly try and break a Guiness World record for most bras collected – then Pink Drive will take those into the communities and give them to women who cannot afford bras – as part of Pink Drive’s Pink Campaign.
The Pink Drive is an Ngo set up to create awareness and education around breast cancer. Through several annual lunch events, golf days and other sporting events as well as corporate wellness days, they raised enough funds to purchase two mobile trucks. These are to provide this much needed education on the value of early detection and a mobile mammography truck which provides free mammograms in community areas.
To date they have managed to help over 7500 women nationally and their goal is to continue to provide this service not only in Gauteng but all over South Africa so with your support of our sponsors and all South Africans we hope to achieve these goals.
So WGSA appeals to all our players to collect old bras from your family and friends, bring them to IPT and support this fantastic programme.
For further info go to www.pinkdrive.co.za