SA’s First Referees School announced

The first-ever Referees School to be hosted by the South African Golf Association (SAGA) will be held at Alphen Country House and Steenberg Golf Club in Cape Town next year, from Friday the 12th to Sunday the 14th of March.

The Referees School will be run by officials from the R&A’s Rules of Golf Committee and is open to anyone wishing to become a Referee who has already passed an R&A Rules course.

The SAGA has indicated that it would like representatives of all Provincial Unions to attend the School provided they comply to specified criteria. Spaces on the course will also be made available to neighbouring countries such as Botswana, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Tuition of theory on topics such as ‘Course Marking’, ‘Local Rules’ and ‘The Art of Officiating’ will take place in a lecture room with audio-visual learning aids, but a significant proportion of the programme will be practical on-course instruction, including role-play sessions. Attendees will take an examination, which is optional, on the Saturday but the School will not be all work and no play – the R&A will host a drinks reception and dinner for attendees and other invited guests on the Saturday evening.

There is space for a maximum of 60 candidates to attend the School. “The cost of the course is R1,000 (including VAT), to be paid in advance, and prospective attendees are urged to sign up as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. It is also to facilitate the timeous distribution of learning material,” said Bruce Younge, Executive Director of the SAGA. “The payment covers an examination preparation guide, a copy of the 2010/11 Decisions on the Rules of Golf, tuition, lunch and teas.”

To enrol, an applicant is required to complete an entry form, which should be sent, together with payment, to SAGA, PO Box 65303, Benmore, 2010. Completed forms may also be emailed to, provided proof of electronic payment is attached.

For further information please e-mail: or

Call tel: 011 476-1713 (W)

Fax: 086 503 4653

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