SAGA calls for tenders for its Handicapping System

The South African Golf Association (SAGA) issued (on Monday 23rd February 2009) a tender document in which it calls for interested companies to tender for the business of managing and administering its Handicapping and Course Rating System in partnership with SAGA.

“SAGA intends embarking upon an open and transparent process in which all interested parties may participate,” said Enver Hassen, President of SAGA. “We hope in so doing to identify a road along which SAGA can walk, in partnership with a third party, to the benefit of amateur golf as a whole.”

The tender is for the supply of a central file server on which all affiliated golfers’ handicaps will be computed. This central server will then be accessed by affiliated golf clubs through either a service provider or directly through the club itself. In addition it will have the capacity to issue affiliation cards.

“At present the computing of handicaps is not centralised and is not managed by SAGA,” explained Hassen

The tender document can be obtained from SAGA Office in Johannesburg by calling 011 783 5474 during office hours.

Completed tenders are to be submitted in line with the terms and conditions stated in the tender document, by Wednesday 11 March 2009.

For technical information related to the tender, the person to contact is Jan Chrobok (Cell: 082 650 4809 or e-mail: For general information please contact Bruce Younge, SAGA’s Executive Director, at the SAGA Office on the number listed above.

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