As is common practice Provincial Unions break, at varying times during December for the Christmas holidays.You will have noted that the closing date for entries to the above Championships close on 21st December 2009 and 8th January 2010 respectively.
It is standard practice that entries to the above events are submitted to Provincial Union Secretaries for handicap certification and exemption criteria and either lodged with the Provincial Unions or submitted to this office for acceptance.
As this procedure may pose logistical difficulties where Provincial Union offices have closed, it is recommended that any such entries be forwarded to this office for certification and acceptance or otherwise. Where an entry has not been certified by the Provincial Unions it would be appreciated if prospective entrants could include a current handicap certificate obtainable from their club.
These entry forms will then be processed by this office.
It would be appreciated if you could advise prospective entrants of this procedure where ever possible.