KZN ladies sparkle at R&A Rules Course

A record total of 18 ladies successfully completed the seventh R&A Level One Rules Course at Royal Durban Golf Club on Friday. The one-day course was hosted by the KwaZulu-Natal Golf Union and presented by South African Golf Association Assistant Executive Director, Neil Homann.

A total of 34 participants attended the course and KwaZulu-Natal Ladies Golf Association president Lynda Johnson was delighted with the turnout.

“I believe this is the largest contingent of ladies to complete the course to date and I am especially pleased that the ladies all passed with flying colours,” said Johnson, who also sat the exam.

“This bodes well for the future of women’s golf in KZN. There was huge interest in the course, but unfortunately many ladies couldn’t make this one. I really hope we will have an opportunity to host another Level One Course in the near future.”

Johnson added that the feedback on the course material and the presentation was very positive.

“The course covers a multitude of sins,” she said. “It was very informative and Neil’s style of presentation made it easy to follow. The video presentation after the theory, followed by the practical session with the rules officials, really helped to make the facts stick.”

The Level One Rules Course is the first phase of the R&A’s Three-tiered Rules Education Programme and forms part of the global R&A Working for Golf campaign. The attendees write the exam following a theoretical and practical session.

Past KZNLGA president Molly Whittaker, who assisted Homann alongside past KZN Golf Union president Colin Burger and R&A referee Tony Rocke, was equally impressed.

“I thought the course material was diverse and it provided a very good base for regular golfer and beginners who want a decent understanding of the basic rules,” Whittaker said. “Players can most certainly benefit from this course, but it is especially good for people who are interested in pursuing a career in the rules.”

Whittaker, who chairs the KZN Ladies Golf Union Rules Panel, said the panel is very active in the province and meet regularly to discuss rulings given throughout the month.

“We have several Level Two officials on the panel and Women’s Golf South Africa’s president, Karen Olivant, is a level three referee,” she said.

“We officiate at many tournaments and it was really encouraging to see so many ladies attend that will hopefully grow our stable of officials.

“It was especially pleasing to me that so many of the attendees expressed the desire to continue with the Level Two Course and possibly complete the Level Three Course, as well.

“Hats off the SAGA for taking the initiative to host the beginners’ course around the country.”

The next course will be hosted by the Western Province Golf Union at Mowbray Golf Club on 30 November.

Written and released by Lali Stander on behalf of Womens Golf South Africa

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