Ambition Argentina Team meets in Buenos Aires
Val Holland (coach), Sandra Winter (Captain) and players Connie Chen, Kim Williams and Kelli Shean all arrived safely in Buenos Aires yesterday to compete in the 2010 World Amateur Team Championships for the Espirito Santo Trophy. Despite problems with hotel transfers, they are all in good spirits and are being accommodated at the Sheraton Liberador Hotel in the city.
Today the girls play in the first of four practice rounds before competing in the first round of the Espirito Santo Trophy on Wednesday against 54 other teams from around the world. The final round will be played on Saturday 23 October after which they will be joined at a gala dinner by the 73 men’s team playing for the Eisenhower Trophy.
The tournament is being played on two courses – the Olivos Golf Club where they will be holding the Opening Ceremony on Tuesday and where the team are practicing today. Tomorrow they practice at the other tournament course, the Buenos Aires Golf Club.