Amateurs delight in R&A Rules Course
Five days after he passed the R&A Level One Rules Course hosted by East London Golf Club on Saturday, 16-year-old amateur Byron Togood is still talking a mile a minute about his expanded knowledge of golf’s basic rules.
Togood was one of 35 participants who attended the course, hosted by Border Golf Union and presented by South African Golf Association Assistant Executive Director, Neil Homann.
“I thought I knew the rules, but after doing the course, it’s like a curtain has lifted,” Togood said.
“Neil did the theory on the rules and showed us the application on video, but once we did the practical application outside, it really became clear to me.
“I wanted to do the course to have a better understanding of the rules, so I would know what I’m doing when I play tournament golf and I have a much better understanding now.
“I wish that some more of my friends had attended, because it was really educational and very interesting. I’m really pleased that I passed and I can’t wait to do the Level 2 course.”
The one-day entry level course is the first phase of the R&A’s Three-tiered Rules Education Programme, which forms part of the global R&A Working for Golf campaign.
The entry level course covers the basic rules, etiquette and the most frequently occurring situations that arise on the golf course.
Former Border president, Alan Introna, was pleased with the large attendance and the enthusiasm with which the particpants embraced the course.
“The attendees ranged from junior, club and senior amateurs from several clubs in the Border region, as well as members of Border Ladies Golf Union, the South African Golf Development Board and Nomads.
“The material Neil presented was interesting and his humorous style went down very well. The content was relative and well-presented and, judging by the amount of questions from the floor, the course material was of interest to all present.”
Homann was assisted by past South African Golf Association president, Dave Davenport, who is a regular rules official on the Sunshine Tour.
“Neil and Dave did a great job during the practical and it was apparent that several weekend golfers and clubs are totally ill informed,” Introna said.
“Golfers may break the rules unintentionally, but they do so nevertheless. I truly hope that this introductory course and the intermediate levels to follow will go a long way to enlighten the golfing administrators and golfing public.
“Most golfers do not play at inter-provincial level or reap the rewards of provincial golf and thus do not know of all the voluntary work the Union Officials and SAGA officials do and often question the role of the unions and SAGA.
“In my opinion, these courses are long overdue and it is very positive to see that the South African Golf Association (SAGA) and its unions are putting effort back into the golfer.”
Introna, who achieved 90% in the test, said that he was pleased to see nearly all attendees pass.
“Whether they scraped through or did really well, it good to see so many of the attendees pass,” he said. “I believe the practical session well prove very worthwhile in the long run.
“We have to thank Neil for travelling to East London for the weekend and Dave and Judy Davenport, for giving up their time to assist and organise the course. It is much appreciated.”
Written and released by Lali Stander on behalf of the South African Golf Association.